If you are one of the tens of thousands of Dailykos readers who missed the plan to get Gore on the ballot in Florida then go here to get the details of the effort to get Florida Democratic Party Chair Karen Thurman to put Al Gore on the January 29th primary ballot. Timing of diaries is everything as I got trampled by the stampede to read NYPopulist's exemplary and comprehensive "Now Or Never" Gore diary. I have renamed him NYPopular.
We are generating calls so if you live in Florida call the Florida Dem party and ask that they let you vote for Gore. The contact info is at the bottom of the page. And don't let them tell you they can't as they did Hickoryjim. When he called the Florida state party told him that only FEC filed candidates will be placed on the ballot. I promised to follow up Monday morning and what I found out is below the fold.
Urgent, Gore and the Florida ballot updated